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ticking off

美 [ˌtɪkɪŋ ˈɔːf]英 [ˌtɪkɪŋ ˈɒf]
  • n.责骂;斥责;申斥

复数: tickings off

ticking offticking off


the act of telling sb that they have done sth to make you angry

telling off

ticking off


  • 1
    N-COUNT 斥责;责骂
    If you give someone a ticking off, you speak angrily to them because they have done something wrong.

    They got a ticking off from the police.


  1. I gave her a real ticking off yesterday .


  2. They got a ticking off from the police .


  3. I can actually hear it now , because I see my time is ticking off .


  4. A woman will say ," Thanks A Lot " when she is really ticking off at you .


  5. Each taxicab is fitted with a meter ticking off the fare due .


  6. There would be many , Cui told me , ticking off trade , energy , environment , and people-to-people exchanges , among others .


  7. If that wasn 't enough , when he turned tail the premier was given a ticking off for taking his custom next door .


  8. Seven more days , he thought , lightly ticking off the second square , which was filled with notes on his work for the day .


  9. Then Lally confessed and got a ticking off .


  10. If he succeeds in ticking off the others , he will earn at least $ 1.6bn overall - enough to make an oil boss blush .


  11. Knowing the length of the solar arc at various ages , you can simply go through the list from beginning to end , ticking off each planetary pair at the ages when it becomes due .


  12. I have nothing wrong with the " let them know you 're there in the first few minutes " approach , but injuring an opponent surely warrants more punishment than a light ticking off ?


  13. But when an enterprising scientist placed a fiddler crab in darkness , he was amazed to find that the color of the crab 's shell kept ticking off the time with the same accuracy .


  14. I hope that once the Secretariat is re-established , the members of the Central Committee and the State Council will set an example by solving problems collectively and stop the practice of just ticking off documents in their separate offices .


  15. Dr Sinclair agrees : " People can be too goal-focused . They have ticked off making money and career goals , and wonder what next ? " He helps them to understand life is not about ticking off their goals but living by their values .


  16. I just think it 's rude and it 's ticking me off


  17. There are even dedicated websites that assist people in ticking items off the list .


  18. And she began ticking them off on her fingers .


  19. Ticking Shanghai off their photography bucket list , Ciesielski said he will now focus on other cities in the future .


  20. So late-night work email may not be the only thing ticking you off - the blue glow of your machine may also be getting you down .


  21. He took them through the schedule slowly , ticking each item off on his fingers .
